Remediation and Geoengineering

The Gods will not save you — Ervin Burrell.

Ivo Welch

December 31, 2021

Be Prepared

Be prepared

Be very prepared

Be very very prepared

1. Get Co2 Out Of The Air

Social Cost Of Carbon


Cheapest Sequestration Process:

Environmentalists won’t like tree-felling.

Lumber Farming

Other Processes

Crazy Ideas — Why?

Usually, I am for research, but this seems still-born.

2. Change Solar Radiation

(Reduces warming only, not ocean acidification.)

  1. Star Trek Space Shield?

    • Nonsense, too expensive.
  2. Sulfur particles into stratosphere.

    • Feasible, cheap, think 1% of CO2 removal;

    • circulates for 2-5 years.

  3. Cloud Seeding.

    • Potentially cheaper yet, shorter-term,

    • but not much known.

Radiation Management Problems

Global Cooling


Be Prepared

