The Gods will not save you — Ervin Burrell.
Ivo Welch
December 31, 2021
Not undoing combustion: CO2 → C + O2.
Sequester CO2 into underground reservoirs.
Speed up natural sequestration:
Rock weathering.
Ocean CO2 absorption.
Cheapest Sequestration Process:
Foresting with lumber harvesting.
Local benefits of trees on water, air, etc.
As cheap as $10/tCO2!
on the margin, even cheaper, and
probably for the first 1 GtCO2/year.
Nevertheless, not pursued at large scale.
Environmentalists won’t like tree-felling.
Needs more research:
What trees where for most efficiency?
How much sequestration at what cost?
Local benefits can justify local subsidies.
Easy US suggestion:
Grant free Federal shrub lands to purpose.
Tie Brazilian and Indonesian trade to satellite-measured forestation.
Algae are potentially even more efficient.
Yet perhaps not as economical.
Needs more research first.
Ocean liming
Crush and shovel chalk into ocean.
Needs more research first.
Sequester on top of coal smokestack?
Industrial processes (e.g., Climeworks)
Wrestling towards $200/tCO2.
Business Model: Sell carbon credits to environmentalists.
Enhanced rock weathering
Research only if cost can go to <$50/tCO2.
Usually, I am for research, but this seems still-born.
(Reduces warming only, not ocean acidification.)
Star Trek Space Shield?
Sulfur particles into stratosphere.
Feasible, cheap, think 1% of CO2 removal;
circulates for 2-5 years.
Cloud Seeding.
Potentially cheaper yet, shorter-term,
but not much known.
Dangerous unknown unknowns,
We don’t even know for sure if it works
Many possible unintended consequences,
but so does the current alternative:
global warming.
We may also need solar radiation capture on demand:
i.e., heating up earth, e.g., reducing albedo.
Think Asteroid Apophis 99942.
We don’t know enough about this either!
Much less urgent for now.
Solar radiation management is dangerous!
It is also potentially the only way to stop a run-away loop (e.g., Permafrost Methane melting) in its tracks,
to buy humanity some time.
Do not deploy!
But research and understand,
and think about acceptable use scenarios.
Subsidize lumber farming.
Research intelligent sequestration.
Research solar radiation management.
Social Cost Of Carbon
Logically, sequestration cost is the upper limit to IAMS’ Social Cost of Carbon (SCC).
Of course, there is no world government.
SCC and sequestration cost are both intellectually interesting,
but practically irrelevant for the real world.
What would $20/tCO2 say about the world’s free-rider problem?