
Who turned out the lights? It’s dark in here. Don’t they pay their electricity? — Roger Rabbit

Ivo Welch

December 31, 2021

**************** call gas on demand $80-$200.

**************** add price graph from p.316

Why Electricity?


Electrons are electrons, but




It is not enough to decarbonize US!


U.S. NatGas Coal Wind
Power 45% 20% 10%
Energy 40% 20% 9%
U.S. Nuclear Hydro Solar
Power 10% 10% 5%
Energy 20% 7% 2%

Utility-Scale High Fixed Costs

New Plants: Usa

New Plants: World, Other

Transmission Grid

Us Transmission Mess

Electricity Allocation Problems


     Competitive Electricity Markets!

Electricity Allocation Problems



California: Mar 21, 2021

California: Mar 21, 2021

California Power Mix, Mar 21, 2021

Usa Power Mix

Add Pricing Info

Inexact Classification

  1. Baseload Power.

    • Think Nuclear.
  2. Intermittent Power.

    • Think Wind and Solar.
  3. Storage (Dispatchable Power).

    • Think Batteries and Hydroelectric Dams.

Power Mix Comparison

Nuke GeoT Coal Gas
Calif 9% 5% 3% 34%
USA 20% 1% 19% 40%
World 10% 0% 37% 24%
Hydro Wind Solar Other
Calif 18% 10% 12% 9%
USA 7% 9% 2% 2%
World 16% 5% 3% 5%

Generation Costs: Building Plants

  1. Electricity’s biggest cost is typically upfront plant building cost:

    • Construction / capital.

    • Plant scalability varies:

      • biggest scale needed for nuclear,

      • most flexible scale for Wind and Solar.

    • Cost of grid tie-in is high, too,

      • incl. regulatory costs,

      • … and does not scale linearly.

Generation Costs: Running

  1. Idle (Standby) Minimum Running Cost:

    • capital interest costs;
    • personnel and maintenance;
    • obsolescence.
  2. Active Generation Cost:

    • Fuel and Extra Wear:

      • Highest for Fossil fuels;
      • Medium for Nuclear;
      • Lowest for Wind and Solar.

Levelized Cost Of Electricity (Lcoe)


Following are ballpark inflation-adjusted figures, differ by location, regulation, etc.

Ballpark Lcoes Per Mwh

Type Today est 2050
Solar Panels, Roof $100 $30
Solar Panels, Utility $35 $15
Wind, onshore $35 $20
Geothermal $35
Nuclear $70 $60
Gas, Always On $40 $45
Coal $75 $65
Hydro $55
Gas, Dispatch $200

Really? Wowee!

Solved Problem!

Natural Gas

Geothermal And Hydro (Storage)

PS: Also consider compressed air in caverns.

Nuclear Power (Again)

Coal: Usa

Coal: Think Global

Coal: Think Global

Dispatchable (Storage)


Clean Energy

In sum:


  Problem is No Longer Cheap Generation!


  Problem Now is Cheap Energy Storage!


Solve it, and wind/solar will take over.

Lithium Batteries

Current Big Lithium Problem

Utility-Scale Lithium In Usa

Flow And Other Batteries

World Need:

Rust Batteries?

Utility-Scale Flow Batteries

Hydro-Electric Power

Hydro-Power Problem

Unconventional Solutions


Cranes Stacking Blocks

Longer-Term Storage

Heat Use Of Stored Electricity?

Energy Transmission Grid


Key Clean Energy Problem Now


Secondarily, transmission grid

Feasibility/cost remain location-specific and complex.


Not Covered

Energy Provision 2015, Twh

Coal NatGas Nuke Hydro
USA 1,410 1,317 797 249
China 3,860 148 161 1,103
World 9,621 5,585 2,440 3,843
Wind Solar (Oth) Total
USA 191 39 (2.2%) 4,092
China 186 45 (1.1%) 5,562
World 828 263 (2.6%) 23,171

Energy Forecast 2050, Twh

Coal NatGas Nuke Hydro
USA 593 1,953 594 294
China 3,556 803 1,002 1,448
World 8,115 7,306 3,025 5,548
Wind Solar (Oth) Total
USA 790 1,071 (3.0%) 5,458
China 1,001 3,379 (0.4%) 11,230
World 6,833 10,152 (2.3%) 41,953

Clean Energy Conclusion