Unrealistic Approaches

What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate — Captain.

Ivo Welch

December 31, 2021

Start With Poll

Review the poll from the first class.

Best Estimates For World

Trigger Warning


These are estimates from IAMS (IPCC etc.).

There are also other problems: poverty, habitat destruction, overfishing, chemicals, comets, epidemics, etc.

Central Problem?

  1. Guilt and anxiety? or

PS: Fritz Bauer, You can only be proud or guilty for what you did. != Catholic Church, where you were born guilty.

  1. Warming

    • 50 GtCO2 per year,

    • 410 ppm CO2 in the air?

How do you want to solve it?

  1. Feel better about yourself? or

  2. reduce CO2 in the atmosphere?

Different problems → different solutions.

Performative Wellness?!

The following cannot work (unless they spread like Omikron):


When it comes to CO2 in the atmosphere:


To lower CO2 in the atmosphere, we need brutal honesty!


Clean Energy Transition?

Sin #1: Think Too Big

Global Co2 Tax

Who Should Pay?


Who Would Have To Pay?

How Much?

Order of Magnitude:

How Much?

we will talk about cheaper better ways later.

How Much Willingness?

Young Germans (14-29yo):


Wow! What exactly are they willing to give up?

How Much Willingness?



What exactly are Americans willing to give up?

How Much Willingness?

China, India, Africa:

World Tax On Co2

but it’s irrelevant.

News Flash:


There is no world government.


Rescued by the bell?

Treaties As Substitute?

Not everyone is as pessimistic as I am, but hear me out.


Treaties Vs. Treaties

Multilateral Coordination

Mixing-In Of Demands

Enforcing Treaties

Enforcement In Past Treaties


Past Treaty Promises

Carbon Shaming?


What A Treaty Would Require


Past Real-World Cc Agreements

Am I too harsh? Take a hard look:

What If Lights Go Out?


PS: No energy → no jobs.

Montreal Treaty On Ozone

In-Time Montreal Estimates

Party Benefits Costs
US only (unilateral) $1,373 $21
US only (multiilateral) $3,575 $21
World e2,220 e200


PS: Is Bangladesh’s real problem not CC in 80 years or poverty today?


Even More Radical Change?

Arguments for free-market capitalism (FMC) or for meritocracy (with unequal starting points) should never be about fairness. They are not fair, rich people’s whining not withstanding. I wish I had Obama’s talents, Bezos’ wealth, and Vanderbilts’ inheritance. We like FMC only for its long-term outcomes. (PS: All of us here are far on the sunny side, though.)

The problem of FMC in the CC context is its suitability. CC is the mother of all public goods problems. But FMC is dynamic and can be nudged towards the better. We also still need FMC to help solve other problems.

More Government Then?


Who wants to be a politician?

What would be my chances of surviving a primary in the USA, either party?

Solo Corporate Initiatives

Should/can corporations take over this principal function of governments?


Discussion is not about profit-maximizing parts. Making cleaner products when customers are demanding them is profit-maximizing and wonderful. Saving energy in production is great. Etc.

Discussion is about trying to coax corporations to shoot themselves in the foot on behalf of green causes.

As activist, try to define precisely:


Corporate reach is rarely if ever wide enough. Even biggest companies are too local and small, much smaller than big countries.

Customer Demand

(nice when it does.)

Long-Term Viability

Public Relations?

Competitive Market Survival?:

Broader Industry Initiatives

Shareholder Activism

Esg Ratings

Divestment And Boycotts


Divestment Goal?

Just harm oil companies?

Great Irony


Sin #2: Think Too Small


Is spending your environmentalist fervour on your carbon footprint most effective?

Personal Carbon Footprints

  1. Could it happen/work at large scale?

    • Great if/when it does. Celebrate!

    • (Actions that scale are different. See below.)

    • 💊

  2. If it happened nevertheless, will it be because of you?

    • On the margin analysis.

    • Don’t ever say “if everyone did it”; explain how everyone will come to do it.

    • 💊

Spend your environmentalist fervour more effectively?

Setting An Example


Setting An Example

Is ‘setting an example’



Let’s think about it…

Reduce World’s Footprint

To improve billions of footprints, what’s more important for people to do:

  1. Use paper straws and don’t fly to Europe?

  2. Pray that humanity changes?

What aggregates better?


For billions of footprints, the expected effect of #2 may be larger. Maybe equal.

(Expected = probability of succcess * effect)

Personal Carbon Footprint

Personal Carbon Footprints

What a Jackass professor!

From jackass: Do you think more people just don’t know, so if you tell them it will change?

Footprint Primary, Mackay 2008

  1. Stop flying!

  2. Stop driving!

  3. Reduce heating and cooling!

    • Wear sweaters.

    • Make sweat sexy again (MSSA)!


Promise? Raise your hand! The world is at risk!

Footprint Secondary


Promise? Raise your hand! The world is at risk!

Course Attendees


Realistic Timeline

Estimate Please

If Everyone Did It


New Yorker: No More …

  1. Cooking Meat…takeout only.

  2. Flying…for family vacations.

  3. Food Waste…eat it.

  4. Shopping Bags. (Bubble wrap != plastic.)

  5. Straws…when others are watching.

  6. Toilet flushing…hate visitors.

  7. No mo carbs…no food waste, either.

  8. Gasoline car…drive Tesla.

(more funny choices)

Mix-In Social Ills


Allocate a lot of money, then let the causes fight it out, and see how much climate change (on behalf of great-great-grand…) will be getting?!


How effective will CC fighting be?


         You Must Do Better!

         You Must Be More Effective!