How’s your driving record? Clean? It’s clean, real clean. Like my conscience. — Travis Bickle.
Ivo Welch
December 31, 2021
GtCO2: Gigatonne of CO2 (per year):
equivalent, 1,000,000,000 metric tonnes.
We will work with ≈ 1–50 GtCO2.
Be careful: 1 GtC (carbon) is not 1 GtCO2:
The difference is oxygen.
1 tC = 3.5 tCO2 .
Social Cost of Carbon is badly misnamed. The quoted $-figures are really the Social Cost of Carbon-Dioxide (CO2).
we hope carbon sinks won’t exhaust.
fortunately, no signs of net exhaustion yet
unknown: could also ramp up (e.g., plants)
Highly correlated (many even from same sources):
CO2 (3/4 of GHG, longest-term).
Methane CH4 (1/8 of GHG).
Much more opaque to IR
immediate control has big short-term payoffs.
CH4 decays to ≈ minute CO2.
Other (NOx, CFC).
CH4 warms more, but doesn’t last as long.
CO2: GWP=1.
GtCO2e: measure of warming power
We use standard GWP factors.
Factors can be argued with, depending on use case, but good enough for us.
(Human) land charge (per year) is reduced (forest) absorption of CO2.
Carbonbrief suggests that the land use charge has declined enough to offset emission increases for about one decade now.
Good news…but needs to be checked.
And how much longer will this be the case?
Think air humidity.
≈ 3/4 of greenhouse warming.
Not long-lived.
Very responsive to temperature
Positive feedback amplification.
Likely fully (100%) driven by long-lived GHGs.
A scientific minority disagrees (90%?).
but also (mostly) responsible for clouds
From | GtCO2 |
Coal | 15 |
Oil | 12 |
Gas | 7 |
Other | 5 |
Total | 38 |
From | GtCO2e |
Cattle | 3 |
Fossil Fuel | 3 |
Rice | 1 |
Fertilizer | 1 |
Total | 12 |
From | GtCO2e |
All = Power, Heat, Agriculture | 50 |
Agriculture | 10 |
Non-Agriculture | 40 |
Combustion | 33 |
Cement | 10 |
Airplanes | 2 |
From | GtCO2e |
Transport | 8 |
Electricity | 14 |
Heating | 4 |
Industrial | 16 |
Think 25-35 GtCO2e is easily electrifiable.
Think 15-25 GtCO2e is not (ag, flying, etc.)
World GHG emissions are huge,
and still accelerating,